
Essential Moving Checklist

A moving house checklist can help you stay organised and ensure that you don’t overlook any important tasks during the moving process. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the steps:

Eight Weeks Before Moving:

  • Start decluttering and organising your belongings.
  • Create a moving binder or folder to keep all important documents and information.
  • Research and book a reputable moving company or rental truck, if necessary.
  • Notify your current landlord (if renting) or start the process of selling your home.

Six Weeks Before Moving:

  • Begin packing non-essential items and items you won’t need before the move.
  • Inform your children’s schools about the upcoming move and arrange for school records to be transferred.

Four Weeks Before Moving:

  • Notify utility companies, internet providers, and other essential services about your move and arrange for disconnection or transfer of services.
  • Update your address with the post office and set up mail forwarding.
  • Notify banks, credit card companies, insurance providers, and other important contacts about your change of address.

Three Weeks Before Moving:

  • Continue packing and label boxes with their contents and destination rooms.
  • Dispose of hazardous materials and items that cannot be moved.

Two Weeks Before Moving:

  • Confirm the details with the moving company or truck rental.
  • Make arrangements for your pets during the move.
  • Start using up perishable food items in your fridge and freezer.

One Week Before Moving:

  • Finish packing all non-essential items.
  • Pack an essential box with items you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new home (toiletries, clothes, important documents, etc.).
  • Confirm the new house’s utilities are set up and ready for your arrival.

Moving Day:

  • Double-check all rooms, closets, and storage spaces for any overlooked items.
  • Supervise the movers or the loading of the rental truck.
  • Take final meter readings for utilities in your current home.
  • Lock all windows and doors and hand over the keys to the Real Estate.

After Moving:

  • Unpack the essential box first to access important items immediately.
  • Inspect your belongings for any damages during the move and inform the moving company if necessary.
  • Update your driver’s license and vehicle registration with your new address.
  • Register to vote with your new address.

Remember that this checklist is a general guide, and you may need to adjust it based on your specific circumstances. Moving can be stressful, so having a checklist can help you stay on track and make the process smoother and more manageable.

If you would like help moving then contact our friendly team at Hitchens today on 02 4735 7000 or head to our website at to request a quote.